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GCN Circular 26427

LIGO/Virgo S191213g: GMOS-N spectroscopy shows ZTF19acykzsk/AT2019wqj is a SN II
2019-12-14T22:02:31Z (5 years ago)
Tomas Ahumada at U. of Maryland <>
C. Fremling (Caltech), T. Ahumada (UMD), L. P. Singer (NASA), K. De
(Caltech), M. M. Kasliwal (Caltech), report on behalf of the ZTF and GROWTH

We obtained spectroscopy of ZTF19acykzsk/AT2019wqj, reported by Andreoni et
al. (GCN #26424) with the Gemini Multi-Object Spectrographs (GMOS-N)
mounted on the Gemini-North 8-meter telescope on Mauna Kea. We combined six
450 second exposures using the R400+_G5305 grating starting 2019-12-14
11:18 UTC at an airmass of 1.9. A prominent broad H emission feature is
seen in the spectrum consistent with a SN II at z=0.02, same redshift of
the closest galaxy. Thus, this object is unrelated to LIGO/Virgo S191213g
(GCN #26402).

We thank the observer S. Xu and the Gemini staff for their rapid response
and  facilitating this Target of Opportunity observation.
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