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GCN Circular 26242

Konus-Wind observation of the recent SGR 1935+2154 activity
2019-11-13T14:22:57Z (5 years ago)
Anna Kozlova at Ioffe Institute <>
A. Ridnaia, S. Golenetskii, R. Aptekar, D. Frederiks,
M. Ulanov, D. Svinkin, A. Tsvetkova, A. Lysenko, and T. Cline
on behalf of the Konus-Wind team, report:

Since the renewal of bursting activity of the SGR 1935+2154
on October 4 (Wood & Bissaldi et al., GCN 25975,
Ambrosi et al., GCN 26153, GCN 26169, GCN 26171;
Burgess et al., GCN 26160; Ukwatta et al., GCN 26162;
von Kienlin, GCN 26163) Konus-Wind have triggered on
two bursts from this source.

The following is a list of the Konus-Wind triggers with preliminary
estimates of the burst fluences and peak fluxes.
  Date         T0(KW) s UT                  Fl*           PF**
20191104 38666.612 s UT(10:44:26.612)  1.33 +/-0.07  17.0 +/-1.6
20191105 22268.832 s UT(06:11:08.832)  4.85 +/-0.15  29.4 +/-1.9
*  -  Fluence (20-200 keV) in units of 1e-6 erg/cm2

** - Peak Flux (20-200 keV) on 16-ms time scale
        in units of 1e-6 erg/cm2/s

The time-averaged spectra of the bursts are well fit in the
20 - 200 keV range by a power law with exponential cutoff model:
dN/dE ~ (E^alpha)*exp(-E*(2+alpha)/Ep) with the following parameters:
#   Tbeg-Tend         alpha            Ep(keV)    chi2/dof
1   0 - 0.128    0.47(-0.81,+0.91)    35(-4,+3)     6/13
2   0 - 0.192   -0.29(-0.34,+0.36)    42(-2,+2)     25/19
In terms of spectral parameters and peak fluxes these bursts are
very similar to the intermediate flare from SGR 1935+2154 (Kozlova et 
MNRAS 460 2, 2016) and, assuming also their durations and fluences,
are typical of short bursts detected by KW during the previous 
of the source.

The Konus-Wind light curves of the bursts are available at

All the quoted errors are at the 90% confidence level.
All the quoted values are preliminary.
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