TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 26163 SUBJECT: Fermi GBM GRBs 191104 A, B, C and triggers 594534420/191104185 and 594563923/191104527 are not GRBs DATE: 19/11/04 15:41:11 GMT FROM: Andreas von Kienlin at MPE A. von Kienlin (MPE) reports on behalf of the Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor Team: ���On 04 November the Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor triggered on SGR-like bursts from the direction of SGR 1935+2154, tentatively classified as GRBs, which are in fact not due to GRBs: at 01:20:24.06 UT on 4 Nov 2019, trigger 594523229/191104056, at 02:53:31.39 UT on 4 Nov 2019, trigger 594528816/191104120, misclassified as GRB 191104A in GCN 26151, at 04:26:55.87 UT on 4 Nov 2019, trigger 594534420/191104185, at 09:17:53.50 UT on 4 Nov 2019, trigger 594551878/191104387, misclassified as GRB 191104B in GCN 26154, at 10:44:26.31 UT on 4 Nov 2019, trigger 594557071/191104448), misclassified as GRB 191104C in GCN 26157, and at 12:38:38 UT on 04 November 2019, trigger 594563923/191104527"