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GCN Circular 2606

GRB 040606: Optical observations
2004-06-07T16:06:50Z (21 years ago)
Gerald Bourban at Geneva Observatory <>
G.Bourban, F.Carrier, G.Burki and L.Weber (Geneva Observatory, 
Switzerland) report:

We have carried out optical observations of the 12'x 12' field centered 
on the error circle of HETE trigger #3316 (~23% of the whole uncertainty 
area provided by HETE/WXM) using the C2 CCD Camera mounted on the Swiss 
1.2-meter telescope located at the ESO La Silla Observatory (Chile). The 
observations began on 2004 June 06 at 23:08:03 UT (9.84 h after the 
burst). We obtained 5 R-filtered images with exposure times of 180 and 
480 s under non optimal wheather conditions and with a relatively high 
airmass (Fz ~2.5).

The division of these images as well as their comparison with the 
USNO-A2 catalog did not reveal any new or fainting source inside the 
field of view of the C2 camera, down to a limiting magnitude of R < 20.5.

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