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GCN Circular 25658

Swift XRT Detection of X-ray Emission from ZTF19abvizsw
2019-09-04T16:40:24Z (5 years ago)
Anna Ho at Caltech <>
Swift XRT Detection of X-ray Emission from ZTF19abvizsw

A. Y.Q. Ho (Caltech), S. B. Cenko (UMd/Goddard), D. A. Perley (LJMU), on behalf of the GROWTH collaboration

We observed the position of ZTF19abvizsw/AT2019pim (Kool et al., GCN 25616) with Swift/XRT on 2019 Sep 04 03:14:54.853 UT. In a 3ks exposure, we detect X-ray emission with a 0.3-10 keV count rate of 0.021 +/- 0.003 ct/s. This corresponds to an unabsorbed flux density of 8.4E-13 erg/cm^2/s. At z=1.26, this is a luminosity of 8.2E45 erg/s, typical of an X-ray afterglow of a long-duration GRB at this epoch.

There is no source within 20 arcseconds of this position in the Swift X-ray point source catalog.

Further observations are planned.

We thank the Swift staff for rapidly approving and executing our observations.
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