TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 25443 SUBJECT: LIGO/Virgo S190814bv: a potential faint optical counterpart in CFHT imaging DATE: 19/08/22 04:43:16 GMT FROM: Maria R Drout at Carnegie Observatories J. Ruan (McGill U.), N. Vieira (McGill U.), D. Haggard (McGill U.), M. R. Drout (U. of Toronto), N. Asfari (U. of Toronto), R. Carlberg (U. of Toronto), R. Doyon (U. de Montreal), R. Fernandez (U. of Alberta), B. Gaensler (U. of Toronto), V. Kaspi (McGill U.), D. Lafreniere (U. de Montreal), C. Matzner (U. of Toronto), D-S. Moon (U. of Toronto), C. Ni (U. of Toronto), M. Nynka (MIT), A. L. Piro (Carnegie Obs.), S. Safi-Harb (U. of Manitoba), K. Spekkens (RMC/Queen���s U.) We report on optical imaging obtained on the MegaPrime/MegaCam instrument (1x1 deg FOV) at the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope, to search for a counterpart to the candidate gravitational wave source S190814bv. We obtained deep images for the entire updated 50% confidence localization region (GCN 25333) in g-band on UTC 2019-08-16 (1.7 days post-merger), in i-band on UTC 2019-08-18 (3.6 days post-merger), in i-band on UTC 2019-08-19 (4.6 days post-merger), and in both i- and z-band on 2019-08-21 (6.6 days post-merger). In each of those nights, we also obtained images of a few additional galaxies in the larger 90% confidence localization region. We stacked the images from each night and calibrated based on the Pan-STARRS 3pi Survey. For an initial search, we visually inspected the galaxies in our stacked images from the GLADE catalog (Dayla et al., 2018), based on a candidate host-galaxy prioritization scheme. We find one potential faint counterpart lying near the possible host-galaxy 2MASX J00472894-2526263, which is located at (RA, Dec = 11.870618, -25.440655) and a distance of 267 Mpc. This galaxy was the 5th highest-ranked candidate host-galaxy in the LIGO/Virgo localization region from the GLADE catalog based on our prioritization scheme. The potential counterpart is at ~17��� away from the center of this galaxy, and is located at (RA, Dec = 11.866781, -25.437264). The potential counterpart was not detected in our g-band imaging at 1.7 days post-merger, but was subsequently detected in i-band at 3.6, 4.6, and 6.6 days post-merger, and in z-band at 6.6 days post-merger. A table of our aperture photometry measurements is provided below: UTC, days post-merger, band, mag 2019-08-16, 1.7, g, >22.8 2019-08-18, 3.6, i, 22.86+/-0.19 2019-08-19, 4.6, i, 22.80+/-0.23 2019-08-21, 6.6, i, 22.93+/-0.12 2019-08-21, 6.6, z, 22.24+/-0.30 Cutouts of our images can be found at this link: http://www.physics.mcgill.ca/~jruan/S190814bv/cutouts_rank4.png We also visually examined deeper reference images from DECam taken as part of the DECaLS/DESI Legacy Imaging Surveys, in g-, r- and z-bands. Our candidate counterpart from CFHT is also not detected in these DECam reference images. We note that these deep DECam reference images reveal another source (which we label T1 in our cutouts below) that is ~4.5��� away from our possible counterpart. This T1 source is also clearly detected in our i-band images at 6.6 days post-merger, and is not the same object as our potential counterpart. Cutouts showing the clear positional offsets between T1 and the potential counterpart can be found at this link: http://www.physics.mcgill.ca/~jruan/S190814bv/cutouts_rank4_DECam.png Further follow-up of this potential counterpart is encouraged. We are continuing observations, and analysis will be reported. We thank the CFHT queued service observing team and the telescope staff for their help in obtaining these observations.