GCN Circular 25412
IceCube-190819A: MASTER analysis
2019-08-20T18:04:24Z (5 years ago)
Vladimir Lipunov at Moscow State U/Krylov Obs <lipunov@xray.sai.msu.ru>
O. Gress, V. Lipunov, F.Balakin, E. Gorbovskoy, V. Kornilov, N.Tyurina, P.Balanutsa,A.Kuznetsov, F.Balakin, V. Vladimirov, D. Vlasenko,
I. Gorbunov,D.Zimnukhov, V.Senik, A.Chasovnikov, A.Pozdnyakov, A.Chasovnikov, V.Topolev, D.Kuvshinov(Lomonosov Moscow State University, SAI, Physics Department),
R. Rebolo, M. Serra (The Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias IAC),
R. Podesta, C.Lopez, F. Podesta, C.Francile (Observatorio Astronomico Felix Aguilar OAFA),
H. Levato (Instituto de Ciencias Astronomicas, de la Tierra y del Espacio ICATE),
D. Buckley (South African Astronomical Observatory SAAO),
O. Gress, N.M. Budnev, O.Ershova (Irkutsk State University, API),
A. Tlatov, D. Dormidontov (Kislovodsk Solar Station of the Pulkovo Observatory),
V. Yurkov, A. Gabovich, Yu. Sergienko (Blagoveschensk Educational State University)
MASTER Global Robotic Net ( http://observ.pereplet.ru, Lipunov et al.,2010,Advances in Astronomy, vol. 2010, 30L)
will not observe IceCube-190819A (Santander et al. GCN 25402),so as
error-box set faster then Sun and rised later then Sun in MASTER-Amur, MASTER-Tunka,
There is Sy1 PMN_J0948+0022 in current IC190819A error-box, that was
also inside IC180908A (Blaufuss et al.GCN23214) error-box (in 5 degrees from IC190819A).
In IceCube-190819A error-box there was Swift alert in 2017
Also IceCube-190819A error-box includes
* Sources from Fermi LAT catalog are in the list http://observ.pereplet.ru/IC190819/FermiLAT.html
* QSO http://observ.pereplet.ru/IC190819/QSO.html
* galaxies from GLADE cat. http://observ.pereplet.ru/IC190819/GLADE.html
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