GCN Circular 24903
GRB 190627A: Optical imaging by D50 from Ondrejov
2019-06-28T21:19:49Z (6 years ago)
Martin Jelinek at Astro.Inst-AVCR,Ondrejov <martin.jelinek@asu.cas.cz>
Martin Jelinek and Jan Strobl (ASU CAS Ondrejov, CZ)
We observed GRB 190627A (Sonbas et al. GCNC 24888) with the 50 cm robotic
telescope (D50) of Ondrejov observatory in the Czech Republic, obtaining a
series of 120s images starting at 20:35UT, i.e. 33.3h post trigger.
We can detect the optical afterglow (Siegel & Sonbas, GCNC 24889; Leonini
et al., GCNC 24893 and others), providing the preliminary magnitude R=19.8,
in a good agreement with extrapolation of the power-law decay slope we
observed the last night.