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GCN Circular 24894

GRB190627A: VIRT Afterglow observation
2019-06-28T03:28:52Z (5 years ago)
Antonino Cucchiara at UVI <>
D. Morris, S. Prentice, A. Cucchiara, (UVI), P. Gokool daas
(SFSU), N. Orange (Orangewave Inc.) report:

On June 28.02 UT we began observing the field of GRB 190627A
(Sombas et al, GCN 24888; Siegel et al, GCN 24889) with the
0.5m Virgin Island Robotic Telescope (VIRT) located
at the Etelman Observatory.
We performed a series of exposures in the R filter under
optimal weather conditions.

In a total coadded exposure of 510s we clearly identify the
optical afterglow reported by Siegel et al, (GCN 24889) and
Pozanenko  et al. (GCN 24892).

Our preliminary photometry, calibrated against 10 USNO-B1
stars are:

R= 18.38 +- 0.12

This magnitude has not been corrected for Galactic extinction.
The VIRT is still in its commissioning phase and further observations
are ongoing.
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