TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 2472 SUBJECT: GRB 031203: Further reports on December 4 observations DATE: 03/12/05 14:40:23 GMT FROM: Josh Bloom at Harvard/CFA GRB 031203: Further reports on December 4 observations J. S. Bloom (Harvard/CfA), C. Bailyn, and P. van Dokkum (Yale) report on behalf of the larger SMARTS collaboration: "The object inside the first XMM error circle (Santos-Lleo & Calderon, GCN #2464) reported in Hsia et al. (GCN #2470) is unlikely to be related to GRB 031203 (Gotz GCN #2459) by two accounts. First, as reported in Bailyn et al. (GCN #2468), the source did not vary by more than 0.1 magnitudes from about 4 to 7 hours after the GRB, as is the case for all sources I<22 mag in the XMM error boxes. Second, the source is present in the DSS-II scan of the F-plate image (dated 18 March 1991). We also clarify that both the REM and the ANDICAM positions lie outside the nominal 6 arcsec error radius of the first XMM source." For finding charts, see http://www-cfa.harvard.edu/~jbloom/grb031203 This message can be cited.