TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 247 SUBJECT: GRB990123, is the "radio flare" due to an inhomogeneous medium? DATE: 99/02/03 18:17:17 GMT FROM: Xiangdong Shi at UCSD Xiangdong Shi and Geza Gyuk (UC, San Diego): In GCN#211,239 S. R. Kulkarni and D. A. Frail reported radio observations of GRB990123, which show a "radio flare" on Jan. 24. GRB990123 appears otherwise to be radio-quiet as of yet (GCN#200,212,239). We suggest the possibility that this "flare" resulted from the GRB external shock running into a cloud off line-of-sight. This section of the shock was decelerated efficiently and its sychrotron frequency quickly fell into the range of radio waves. This inhomogeneity of the medium may explain the abruptness and shortness of the radio emission. The "flares" in other wavelengths were brief and might also have been buried in the main afterglow. We speculate that the cloud may have been composed of prior ejecta from the gamma-ray burst progenitor. If there are still other nearby clouds, it will be interesting to see whether the "flares" recur. One implication of this hypothesis, if it is true, is that the GRB990123 is not likely to be strongly beamed (>10). Its intrinsic energy output would in turn be indeed huge. This message is citable.