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GCN Circular 24466

LIGO/Virgo S190510g: KMTNet observation
2019-05-11T01:35:31Z (6 years ago)
Myungshin Im at Seoul Nat U <>
Myungshin Im (SNU), Joonho Kim (SNU), Chung-Uk Lee (KASI), Seung-Lee Kim
(KASI), Gregory S. H. Paek (SNU), Gu Lim (SNU), Changsu Choi (SNU),
Sungyong Hwang (SNU), Bomi Park (SNU), Sophia Kim (SNU), Hyung Mok Lee
(KASI), on behalf of a larger collaboration

With KMTNet, we observed the whole 60\% credible region of the updated
localization map of the BNS merger candidate, S190510g (LIGO/Virgo GCN
24448). The observation took place at the KMTNet South Africa (SAAO) and
Chile (CTIO) stations, starting at 2019-5-10 16:38 UT. The images were
taken in R-band with 240 sec exposure time to the depth of R ~ 21.7
(5-sigma detection). The search for transients is ongoing, although no
obvious transient has been identified so far.

We thank the KMTNet staffs for performing the observation.
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