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GCN Circular 24462

LIGO/Virgo S190510g: Updated classification and data quality report
2019-05-10T20:56:46Z (6 years ago)
Shasvath J. Kapadia at U. of Wisconsin, Milwaukee <>
The LIGO Scientific Collaboration and the Virgo Collaboration report:

We continue analyzing the LIGO and Virgo data around the time of

the Compact Binary Coalescence (CBC) candidate S190510g

(GCN 24442 and GCN 24448):

A new version of the classification estimation code, which better accounts

for the significance of the event using detection-pipeline-specific foreground

and background models, was applied to the data. This yields the following

updated classification of the GW signal, in order of descending probability:

BNS (85%), Terrestrial (15%), NSBH (<1%), BBH (<1%), or MassGap (<1%).

This new version of the classification estimation code will be deployed in

the front-end of the low latency pipelines on the next detector maintenance

intervention on Tuesday, May 14th 2019 15:00UTC.

Continued examination of this event also revealed there are data

quality issues and non-stationary noise behavior around the time of the

event. Its significance may decrease as our estimate of the background

improves. If the event is astrophysical, the currently preferred

skymap still represents our best estimate of source location. However,

the noise characteristics around the time of the event could bias such


Further analysis of the event is ongoing.

For further information about analysis methodology and the contents

of this alert, refer to the LIGO/Virgo Public Alerts User Guide

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