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GCN Circular 24300

LIGO/Virgo S190426c: RATIR Optical and NIR Observations of Galaxies
2019-04-27T20:04:02Z (6 years ago)
Alan M Watson at UNAM <>
Eleonora Troja (GSFC/UMD), Rosa L. Becerra (UNAM), Nat Butler (ASU), 
Alan M. Watson (UNAM), Simone Dichiara (UMD), Diego Gonz��lez (UNAM),
Alexander Kutyrev (GSFC/UMD), William H. Lee (UNAM), Margarita Pereyra
(UNAM), and Tanner Wolfram (ASU) report:

We observed 22 galaxies selected from the NED/CLU list for LIGO/Virgo
S190426c (Chatterjee et al, GCN Circ. 24237) with the Reionization and
Transients Infrared Camera (RATIR; on the 1.5m Harold
Johnson Telescope at the Observatorio Astron��mico Nacional on Sierra San
Pedro M��rtir on the night of 2019-04-27 UTC. For each galaxy, we
typically obtained 720 seconds of exposure in g and i filters and 540
seconds of exposure in Y and H filters. Typical 10-sigma limiting
magnitudes are i = 21.2. Our observations are listed below. Visual
inspection reveals no obvious counterpart candidates.

We thank the staff of the Observatorio Astron��mico Nacional in San Pedro

Start (UTC)       RA and Dec (J2000)  Galaxy
2019-04-27 03:30  166.8817  +00.7831  IC 0671
2019-04-27 04:10  167.0731  -05.1323  MCG -01-29-002
2019-04-27 04:27  169.4779  -01.9464  IC 0680
2019-04-27 04:43  166.6895  -04.0722  2MASX J11064547-0404202
2019-04-27 05:10  166.3304  -03.9763  LCRS B110246.5-034222
2019-04-27 05:26  168.2716  +00.0030  2MASX J11130517+0000108
2019-04-27 05:43  170.8150  -05.5724  LCRS B112043.2-051740
2019-04-27 06:01  170.1643  -05.6714  MCG -01-29-010 NED01
2019-04-27 06:27  170.7156  -02.9109  CGCG 011-082
2019-04-27 07:19  168.0636  -05.7535  MCG -01-29-005
2019-04-27 07:50  169.4203  -04.4609  2MFGC 08820
2019-04-27 08:09  163.6089  +07.1427  CGCG 038-046
2019-04-27 08:27  300.5817  +43.1268  2MASX J20021959+4307366
2019-04-27 08:45  308.2331  +54.5088  UGC 11592
2019-04-27 09:12  311.7825  +57.5936  4C +57.35
2019-04-27 09:31  305.9863  +25.7011  2MASX J20235668+2542038
2019-04-27 09:52  302.6869  +17.7386  2MASX J20104485+1744189
2019-04-27 10:24  305.5413  +24.9932  2MASX J20220989+2459351
2019-04-27 10:42  300.6474  +14.9513  2MASX J20023539+1457045
2019-04-27 11:00  301.1253  +19.4085  2MASX J20043008+1924304
2019-04-27 11:16  299.3077  +19.0874  2MASX J19571383+1905142
2019-04-27 11:41  289.0384  -00.7858  2MFGC 14839

Dr. Alan M. Watson
Instituto de Astronom��a
Universidad Nacional Aut��noma de M��xico
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