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GCN Circular 24295

LIGO/Virgo S190425z: Further confirmation for the classification of PS19qp/AT 2019ebq as a supernova
2019-04-27T18:28:31Z (5 years ago)
Curtis McCully at Las Cumbres Observatory <>
Curtis McCully (LCO), Daichi Hiramatsu (LCO/UCSB), D. Andrew Howell
(LCO/UCSB) Iair Arcavi (Tel Aviv University), Maria Drout (University of
Toronto), Jamison Burke (LCO/UCSB), Craig Peligrino (LCO/UCSB), Reinaldo de
Carvalho: (INPE), Francisco Fo��rster (Universidad de Chile), Ryan Foley
(UCSC), David Coulter (UCSC), Charles Kilpatrick (UCSC), David Sand (UA),
Stefano Valenti (UC Davis), Marcelle Soares-Santos (Brandeis), Sandro
Rembold (UFSM), Armin Rest (STSci), Daniel Kasen (UC Berkeley), Brian
Metzger (Columbia), Anthony Piro (Carnegie Obs.), Eliot Quataert (UC
Berkeley), Enrico Ramirez-Ruiz (UCSC), J. Craig Wheeler: (UT Austin), Franz
Bauer (Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile) Joshua Bloom (UC
Berkeley), Thomas Brink (UC Berkeley), Jeff Cooke (Swinburne University of
Technology), Alejandro Clocchiatti (Pontificia Universidad Catolica de
Chile), Alexei V. Filippenko (UC Berkeley), Wendy Freedman (University of
Chicago), Peter Garnavich (Notre Dame), Jorge Ernesto Horvath (Universidade
de Sao Paulo), Saurabh Jha (Rutgers), Robert Kirshner (Gordon and Betty
Moore Foundation), Kevin Krisciunas (Texas A&M), Huan Lin (FNAL), Barry
Madore (Carnegie Obs.),  Martin Makler (Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas
Fi��sicas), Xavier Prochaska (UCSC), Adam Riess (STSci), Riccardo Sturani
(UFRN), Nicholas Suntzeff (Texas A&M), Masaomi Tanaka (Tohoku University),
Douglas Tucker (FNAL), Jozsef Vinko (Konkoly Observatory), Lifan Wang
(Texas A&M), Jonathan Brown (Ohio State University), Carlos Contreras
(STSci), Chris D'Andrea (UPenn), Georgios Dimitriadis (UCSC), David Jones
(UCSC), Michael Lundquist (UA), Gautham Narayan (STSci), Felipe Olivares
(Universidad de Chile), Antonella Palmese (FNAL), Yen-Chen Pan: (NAOJ),
Daniel Scolnic (University of Chicago), Weikang Zheng (UC Berkeley),
Antonio Bernardo (Universidade de Sao Paulo), Azalee Bostroem (UC Davis),
Ariadna Murguia Berthier (UCSC), O��smar Rodri��guez (Universidad Nacional
Andres Bello), Ce��sar Rojas-Bravo (UCSC), Matthew Siebert (UCSC), and
Iruata�� Souza (Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas)

We report spectroscopic observations of PS19qp/AT 2019ebq, the transient
reported by Pan-STARRS (Smith, et al., GCN 24210), using GMOS on Gemini
North at 2019-04-26 14:29:13. We combined 2x750s observations with a
central wavelength of 850nm.

We confirm the presence of broad P-cygni features identified by Morokuma et
al. (GCN 24230)

as the calcium IR triplet. We find that the spectrum is consistent with a
reddened (Nicholl et al., 24217) type Ib/c supernova in agreement with
Carini et al. (GCN 24252) and Jencson et al. (GCN 24233).

We thank the Gemini staff for their rapid response making these
observations possible.
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