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GCN Circular 24226

LIGO/Virgo S190425z: AMI-LA radio observations of two ZTF afterglow candidates.
2019-04-26T15:26:53Z (6 years ago)
Lauren Rhodes at Oxford <>
L. Rhodes, R. Fender, D. Williams, J. Bright (Oxford), K. Mooley (NRAO, Caltech; Jansky Fellow), A Horesh (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem), Dave Green, David Titterington (MRAO) and the JAGWAR collaboration.

We observed the positions of the two reported GW190425z afterglow candidates from GCN 24191 with the AMI Large Array at 15GHz. We started observing the first candidate, ZTF19aarykkb, on 2019 April 26.04 for 3 hrs (0.70 days after the initial detection). The second transient reported, ZTF19aarzoad, was observed with AMI Large Array at 15GHz on 2019 April 26.17 for 3 hrs (0.82 days after the initial detection). Due to the size of the AMI beam, we are unable to spatially resolve either transient source from their respective proposed host galaxies. We acknowledge that these two sources have since been shown to be unrelated to the gravitational wave detection (GCNs 24204 & 24205).

Furthermore, we have scheduled an observation of the promising afterglow candidate: AT2019ebq (GCN 24210).

We thank the MRAO staff for scheduling these observations.
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