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GCN Circular 2419

Ongoing Bursting Activity from SGR 1806-20 detected with IBAS
2003-10-15T12:46:32Z (21 years ago)
Diego Gotz at IASF-CNR <>
D. Gotz, S. Mereghetti (IASF, Milano) and M. Beck (ISDC) for the ISDC IBAS
Localization Team, F. Mirabel (CEA, Saclay)  and the INTEGRAL Science
Working Team report:

Several more bursts from SGR 1806-20 have been detected by IBAS during
INTEGRAL Core Program Galactic Center Deep Exposure. Their times,
preliminary fluences and durations are summarized in the following table.

The positions of the bursts are all consistent with SGR 1806-20 within 2

The bursts were detected with the IBIS/ISGRI instrument in the 15-100 keV
energy range.

Date October 2003       25-100 keV Fluence      Duration
Day      UT               (erg cm-2)              (s)

11    01:26:27.07         1.0 x 10-8              0.1
14    14:31:45.41	  2.0 x 10-8		  0.1
15    02:35:19.66	  2.0 x 10-8	          0.1
15    04:55:00.88	  2.0 x 10-7		  0.18
15    07:37:47.57         3.0 x 10-8              0.1 (*)
15    07:55:52.97         1.5 x 10-8		  0.1
15    07:56:21.07	  1.0 x 10-8		  2 x 0.1 (**)
15    10:19:31.94         4.0 x 10-8		  0.13
15    11:00:28.77         4.0 x 10-8              0.15
15    11:17:05.32	  2.0 x 10-8		  0.2

(*) This burst is preceeded by a small precursor lasting ~0.05 s

(**) This burst consists of two distinct peaks, lasting ~0.1 s each,
separated by ~0.2 s. The fluence given is for the first one. The second is
has a smaller peak flux, but is harder.

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