GCN Circular 2391
GRB 030913, optical candidate
2003-09-20T02:12:37Z (21 years ago)
Alberto Castro-Tirado at LAEFF-INTA <ajct@laeff.esa.es>
GRB 030913, possible optical counterpart
S. Guziy, A. de Ugarte Postigo,
A.J. Castro-Tirado, J.Gorosabel (IAA-CSIC/STScI),
P. Amado, Antonio Herrer�a (IAA-CSIC),
Pilar Ruiz-Lapuente (Univ. Barcelona),
Javier M�ndez (ING, La Palma),
J. M. Castro Cer�n (STScI),
and A. Zurita (ING, La Palma)
"On Sep 18.04 UT (4.25 days after the burst) we imaged 80%
of the HETE-II error box for GRB 030913 (Suzuki et al.,
GCNC 2383) with WHT at La Palma trough Johnson V filter.
We detected an uncatalogued point like source of
20.9 +/- 0.1 at the following coordinates +/- 2":
RA(J2000) = 20:58:46.5
DEC(J2000)= -02:20:59
On Sept 19.87 UT we imaged again the same field from the 1.5m
telescope at Sierra Nevada Observatory (OSN, Granada) and
detected an object at V mag = 23.6 +/- 0.5 on an equivalent
Images of the field are posted on:
Further images in R and B bands have been obtained that
confirm the detection. Other observations are encouraged
to confirm the relation of this object with GRB030913"
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