GCN Circular 2363
GRB 030824: Candidate Afterglow (or Variable/Flare Star?)
2003-08-25T09:59:50Z (22 years ago)
Jane Moran at U.North Carolina <moranj@physics.unc.edu>
J. Moran, M. Nysewander, D. Reichart, P. Yim, C. Zdanowicz, and J. Reichart
report on behalf of the UNC GRB team of the FUN GRB collaboration:
We are currently observing the error region of GRB 030824 (HETE 2821) with
the 0.6-meter Morehead Observatory telescope in R band through haze and
fog. We detect a source that does not appear in DSS/POSS-II or 2MASS, at:
RA: 00:04:36
DEC: 19:48:57
This source is near our detection limit, but is clearly visible in most of
our individual frames, which now span many hours.
We tentatively estimate its magnitude to be R ~ 17. We cannot rule out the
possibility of a variable/flare star.
A more detailed analysis will follow.