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GCN Circular 2327

XRF 030723: VLT spectra
2003-07-26T16:07:13Z (22 years ago)
Jens Hjorth at U.Copenhagen <>
J. P. U. Fynbo (U. Aarhus), J. Hjorth (U. Copenhagen), J. Gorosabel
(IAA-CSIC/STScI), P. M. Vreeswijk (ESO Chile), J. E. Rhoads (STScI),
on behalf of GRACE, report:

"We have obtained VLT spectra of the candidate afterglow of XRF 030723
(Fox et al. GCN #2323). 22 600-sec spectra covering 3650 - 7500 A at
13 A resolution were obtained with FORS1/UT1 starting on July 26.25
2003 UT. A preliminary reduction of the spectra indicates a blue,
featureless continuum with no obvious absorption or emission features.
The apparent absence of absorption lines may indicate a low redshift or
a low-density environment. The absence of a Lyman Forest suggests a 
redshift below 2.1. A detailed analysis is in progress.

We thank the Paranal Observatory staff for efficiently conducting the
reported service-mode observations."
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