GCN Circular 2321
XRF030723: optical observations
2003-07-25T16:20:25Z (22 years ago)
Brian Lindgren Jensen at U.of Copenhagen <brian_j@astro.ku.dk>
B. L. Jensen (U. Copenhagen), J. Gorosabel (IAA-CSIC/STScI), J. Hjorth,
C. Vinter (U. Copenhagen), J. P. U. Fynbo (U. Aarhus), P. M. Vreeswijk
(ESO Chile) report:
"R-band exposures covering the 2' radius HETE-2 SXC error circle of XRF 030723
(Prigozhin et al., GCN #2313) were obtained at the Danish 1.5-m telescope
(ESO La Silla) on July 24.3 and July 25.3 2003 UT. In the combined images,
reaching limiting magnitudes of R ~ 24, no counterpart to the first ROTSE-III
source (Smith & Quimby, GCN #2318) is apparent. At RA(J2000.0) = 21 49 24.54,
Dec (J2000.0) = -27 40 35.0, 2.1" from the reported location of the second
ROTSE-III source, an object with R = 23.2 +- 0.3 is detected (photometry based
on the calibration provided by Henden (GCN #2317)). The object is unresolved
in 1.3" seeing and appears to be constant in brightness between the two
epochs. Images are posted at
http://www.astro.ku.dk/~brian_j/grb/grb030723 "