GCN Circular 22595
Fermi GBM triggers 544440014/180403389 and 544451446/180403521 are not GRBs
2018-04-04T08:44:13Z (7 years ago)
Andreas von Kienlin at MPE <azk@mpe.mpg.de>
A. von Kienlin (MPE) reports on behalf of the Fermi GBM Team:
"The Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor (GBM) triggers
544440014/180403389 at 09:20:09.76 UT on 3 April 2018 and
544451446/180403521 at 12:30:41.44 UT on 3 April 2018
tentatively classified as a GRBs, are in fact not due to GRBs. These
triggers are caused by an occultation step due to MAXI J1820+070"