TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 2257 SUBJECT: GRB 030528 Bisei optical observation DATE: 03/05/29 13:11:57 GMT FROM: Hitoshi Yamaoka at Kyushu U., VSNET-GRB collab. K. Ayani (Bisei Astronomical Observatory) and H. Yamaoka (Kyushu Univ.) report: "R-filtered CCD images of the field of GRB 030528 (GCN 2256) were taken with a 1.01-m telescope at Bisei Astronomical Observatory. The Stacked image of 5 exposures (60 seconds each) taken on 15:22-15:28 UT (139 - 145 minutes after burst) fully contains the SXC error circle (GCN 2256). Visual examination with DSS red image revealed no new object down to R ~ 18.7 (based on GSC-2.2 F magnitudes) within the error circle. This message can be cited.