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GCN Circular 2247

GRB 030329: optical photometry at various french observatories
2003-05-26T12:02:10Z (22 years ago)
Michel Boer at CESR-CNRS <>
A. Klotz and M. Boer (CESR France) report magnitudes of GRB 030329 obtained
at TAROT-Calern, at TBL-Pic du Midi and by members of AUDE (Association des
Utilisateurs de Detecteurs Electroniques - Electronic Device Users
Association). All images are photometrically calibrated by Alain Klotz using
the reference stars given by A. Henden (GCNC 2023).

Red filtered measurements :
DATE                Observers  Diam(mm) filter int(s) R      +/- observatory  day-GRB
2003-04-12T20:21:10 SD           600  R     5400   19.30  0.18   Lantelme     14.3628
2003-04-21T00:20:37 EB&al.       600  R     3000   20.25  0.75   Pic Du Midi  22.5291
2003-04-21T22:32:00 OM&YM&PM     820  R      600   19.9   0.4    Belesta      23.4537
2003-05-04T21:32:41 CC&SD        600  R     2760   22.74  0.37   Lantelme     36.4124

Infrared filtered measurements (afteglow not detected) :
DATE                Authors Diam(mm) filter int(s) mag    +/-    observatory day-GRB
2003-04-17T23:30:00 AK&CB       2000  K     3060  >18.2          Pic du Midi 19.4939
2003-04-18T01:26:00 AK&CB       2000  J     3960  >18.6          Pic du Midi 19.5745

Unfiltered measurements converted to the R band :
DATE                Authors Diam(mm) filter int(s) R      +/-    observatory day-GRB
2003-04-01T00:25:00 AK           200  C      360   16.72  0.45   Guitalens   2.5321
2003-04-04T20:30:00 TAROT        250  C      600   18.55  0.36   Calern      6.3689
2003-04-06T21:48:21 ML           318  C     2550   18.58  0.33   Dax         8.4234
2003-04-07T22:05:00 TM&BC        600  C      400   18.68  0.23   Pic du Midi 9.4349
2003-04-08T20:30:00 TAROT        250  C      600   18.81  0.44   Calern     10.3690
2003-04-21T22:05:00 OM&YM&PM     820  C      900   19.93  0.15   Belesta    23.4315

AK        = Alain Klotz
ML        = Mathieu Lahitte
TM&BC     = Thierry Midavaine & Bernard Christophe
SD        = Serge Deconhiout
AK&CB     = Alain Klotz & Coralie Berteloite
OM&YM&PM  = Olivier Maury, Yves Megret, Patrick Martinez
EB&al.    = Eric Barbotin, Cathy Dupeyre, Alain Laffont, Audrey Cazenave
CC&SD     = Cyril Cavadore & Serge Deconhiout

Complementary data (images) :

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