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GCN Circular 22368

LIGO/Virgo G298048 GRAWITA: VST-ESO PARANAL follow up of AT2017gfo
2018-01-24T08:46:57Z (7 years ago)
Aniello Grado at INAF-OAC <>
A. Grado (INAF-OAC), E. Cappellaro (INAF-OAPD), F. Getman (INAF-OAC), L.
Limatola (INAF-OAC), S. Yang (INAF-OAPD), M. Branchesi (GSSI), S. Covino
(INAF-OAB), P. D'Avanzo (INAF-OAB),  M. Della Valle (INAF-OAC), A. Melandri
(INAF-OAB), L. Amati (INAF-OAS), S. Ascenzi (INAF-OAR), S. Benetti
(INAF-OAPD), M.T. Botticella (INAF-OAC), G. Greco (Urbino University/INFN
Firenze), L. Nicastro (INAF-OAS), E. Palazzi (INAF-OAS), E. Pian
(INAF-OAS), S. Piranomonte (INAF-OAR), A. Rossi (INAF-OAS), G. Stratta
(Urbino University/INFN Firenze), G. Tagliaferri (INAF-OAB), L . Tomasella
(INAF-OAPD), E. Brocato (INAF-OAR) on behalf of GRavitational Wave Inaf

Observations pointed at the position of AT2017gfo of the skymap of the
Advanced LIGO and Virgo trigger G298048 (LVC GCN Circ. 21509, 21513) using
the VLT Survey Telescope (VST - Proposal ID ESO 0100.D-0022) at ESO-Paranal
equipped with OMEGACAM (FOV=1 square degree). The images were acquired with
the g_SDSS, r_SDSS, filters for a total exposure of 5400s in each band. The
observations were executed in the nights 2018-01-05, 2018-01-18 and
2018-01-19, starting at 2018-01-05T 06:57:00.057 UTC and finishing at
2018-01-19T 06:55:22.862 UTC. The median FWHM and the 50% completeness
magnitudes are 0.91", 0.92" and 25.0  and 24.5 AB mags for the g_ssds and
r_sdss bands respectively.
No source is visible at the GW optical counterpart coordinates
RA=13:09:48.09 DEC=-23:22:53.35.
We acknowledge excellent support from the ESO User Support Department and
from ESO observing staff in Paranal.
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