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GCN Circular 22115

IceCube-171106A: Swift Observations
2017-11-10T00:24:52Z (7 years ago)
Azadeh Keivani at PSU <>
A. Keivani (PSU), D.B. Fox (PSU), J.J. DeLaunay (PSU), J.A. Kennea (PSU),
P.A. Evans (U. Leicester),  D.F. Cowen (PSU), J.P. Osborne (U. Leicester),
and F.E. Marshall (GSFC) report on behalf of the Swift-IceCube

Swift has observed the field of the IceCube EHE event, IceCube-171106A
(Revision 0, <>; subsequently
updated to Revision 1, GCN #22105), utilizing the on-board 19-point tiling
pattern to cover a region centered on RA,Dec (J2000) = (340.0d, +7.4d),
with a radius of approximately 0.8 degrees. Swift-XRT collected ~750 s per
field of PC mode data per tile. The observations were taken between 21:51:12
UT on 2017 November 06 and 11:52:10 UT on 2017 November 07 (i.e. from 11.5
ks to 62.0 ks after the neutrino trigger), and covered 2.1 square degrees.
Fourteen X-ray sources are detected in the observations, of which five lie
within the refined neutrino localization.

Of the fourteen identified sources, two correspond to known X-ray emitters,
X1 to 1RXS J224124.3+071253, and X3 to UGC 12138. Two further sources, X4
and X14, have positions consistent with ROSAT Faint Source Catalog objects.

Five further sources have potential counterparts from the SIMBAD database.
X2 matches to HD 215109; detection of this optically bright star may be due
to optical loading rather than bona fide X-ray emission. X5 matches to 87GB
223537.9+070825 (5BZQJ2238+0724 in BZcat), which is a flat-spectrum radio
quasar and known blazar, not previously reported to emit in X-rays. X6
matches to PMN J2243+0716, a radio-bright quasar. X8 matches to the GALEX
���blue object��� source 2690384041306227301. X10 matches to WISE
J224206.68+073148.3, a known BL Lac-type blazar. Observing X-ray emission
(or in the case of HD 215109, an optical loading detection) at the level
seen here from any of these sources would not be remarkable.

Given the recent observation of high-energy gamma-ray activity from TXS
0506+056, potentially associated with the high-energy neutrino
IceCube-170922A (GCN #21916, ATel #10791, ATel #10817), we note in
particular the two X-ray luminous blazars within the neutrino localization,
87GB 223537.9+070825 and WISE J224206.68+073148.3.

Identified sources:

Source         RA            Dec           r_90 R_x** Catalog/Notes


 X1* 22:41:24.15   +07:12:57.6 4.1��� 61(9) 1RXS J224124.3+071253

 X2 22:42:48.20 +06:40:14.2 4.4��� 82(3) HD 215109 (optical loading)

 X3 22:40:17.14 +08:03:13.4 2.1��� 410(3) UGC 12138

 X4 22:41:20.34 +06:48:58.7 5.4��� 32(9) 1RXS J224122.2+064851 (?)

 X5* 22:38:10.41 +07:24:12.8 5.2��� 30(8) 87GB 223537.9+070825

 X6 22:43:05.82 +07:16:34.7 5.7��� 9(5) PMN J2243+0716

 X7 22:37:54.30 +07:22:02.9 6.8��� ?

 X8 22:38:59.95 +07:02:43.7 6.3��� 4(4) GALEX 2690384041306227301

 X9* 22:38:47.59 +07:22:24.8 6.1��� ?

 X10* 22:42:06.68 +07:31:52.6 7.4��� 7(4) WISE J224206.68+073148.3

 X11 22:40:15.96 +07:48:42.2 5.9��� 9(4)

 X12 22:40:26.17 +06:50:14.3 5.9��� 4(4)

 X13 22:38:21.18 +08:04:20.7 4.9��� 3(5)

 X14* 22:39:52.53 +07:11:57.1 6.7��� 9(5) 1RXS J223951.8+071132 (?)


* inside the refined 90%-confidence neutrino localization

** R_x indicate count rate in units of counts ks^-1.

Of the identified sources, the following lie outside the refined
90%-confidence neutrino localization reported by IceCube (GCN #22105):  X2,
X3, X4, X6, X7, X8, X11, X12, X13. The remaining sources (indicated with
asterisks by their source names) lie within the neutrino localization.

Excluding identified sources, the 3-sigma upper limit on the count rate in
the rest of the field is 0.01 ct s^-1, which corresponds to a 0.3-10 keV
flux of 4.1e-13 erg cm^-2 s^-1 for a typical AGN spectrum (NH=3e20 cm^-2,
Gamma=1.7). Overlaps between the different tiles account for 0.5 square
degrees: in these regions the 3-sigma upper limit is 0.009 ct s^-1,
corresponding to 3.7e-13 erg cm^-2 s^-1.

The neutrino localization was in the Swift's Burst Alert Telescope's (BAT)
field of view from 404 seconds to 117 seconds prior to the EHE alert time.
There were no triggered GRBs during this time. Using the 287 second BAT
survey exposure (starting at 18:32:55 UT on 2017 November 06) we searched
for any hard X-ray emission inside the 90%-confidence neutrino
localization. We found no point source and set a 4-sigma upper limit on the
fluence during that time period of 5e-7 erg cm^-2 (15-150 keV) assuming a
photon index of -2.
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