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GCN Circular 2204

GRB030329: RTT150 optical observations and upper limit for a host
2003-05-06T13:10:08Z (22 years ago)
Irek Khamitov at TUG <>
I. Khamitov (TUG), I.Bikmaev (KSU), M.Parmaksizoglu (TUG);
N. Sakhibullin, V. Suleymanov (KSU);
R. Burenin, R. Sunyaev, D. Denissenko, M. Pavlinsky, O. Terekhov, A.
Tkachenko, M.Gilfanov (IKI);
Z. Aslan, O.Golbasi (TUG);
U. Kiziloglu, A. Alpar, A. Baykal (METU);

	The combined 90 min image of the GRB 030329 optical afterglow 
(Petersonand Price, GCN 1985) obtained with the 1.5-m Russian-Turkish Telescope 
RTT150 at TUG in Bessell Rc filter on the night May 02/03, 2003, can be found in

	On the web-site we present images of TO field befor and after 
PSF-model substraction. The PSF substracted image was used for the estimation of 
upper limit of host galaxy (Khamitov at. al, GCN 2198).

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