GCN Circular 21945
LIGO/VIRGO G299232: AMI-LA Observations of the optical transient Swift J014008.5+343403.6
2017-10-01T17:00:59Z (7 years ago)
Kunal Mooley at U of Oxford <kunal.mooley@physics.ox.ac.uk>
K. P. Mooley (Hintze Fellow, Oxford) reports on behalf of a larger
We observed the location of the Swift J014008.5+343403.6 (Emery et al.,
LVC GCNs 21733, 21758; discovered 1.95 days post-LVC trigger) with the
AMI Large Array. Our observations at 15 GHz carried out on Aug 31.06,
Sep 02.15 and Sep 08.12 UT (5.5d, 7.6d and 13.6d post-trigger
respectively) do not reveal any radio afterglow associated with the
optical transient, with 3sigma upper limits of 111 uJy, 160 uJy and 127 uJy.
We thank the AMI-LA staff for scheduling these observations.