GCN Circular 21752
LIGO/Virgo G299232: PIRATE observations of MASTER OT J033744.97+723159.0
2017-08-29T16:27:50Z (7 years ago)
Dean Roberts at PIRATE <dean.roberts@open.ac.uk>
D. Roberts, U. Kolb & M.Morrell (The Open University) reporting on behalf of the PIRATE group:
We observed the field of MASTER OT J033744.97+723159.0 (Lipunov et al., GCN Circ. 21719) with our 0.43m robotic telescope at Teide Observatory, Tenerife, Spain. Observations were taken at two epochs between 2017-08-28T23:51 to 2017-08-29T00:27 and 2017-08-29T03:33 to 2017-08-29T04:09. In total 12 images were taken in the Baader B filter and 12 images in the Baader R filter ranging between 100s-300s in exposure time.
We detect the OT identified by MASTER (Lipunov et al.) at: 03h 37m 44.97s +72d 31m 59.0s.
Our estimated magnitudes are:
R = 16.49 +/- 0.06
B = 17.11 +/- 0.11
These magnitudes are not corrected for Galactic extinction in the direction of the OT.
Further observations are ongoing in conjunction with our own transient search of the LIGO/Virgo bayestar-HLV skymap.
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