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GCN Circular 21624

LIGO/Virgo G298048: optical observations with BOOTES-5 at San Pedro Mártir
2017-08-20T21:59:59Z (8 years ago)
Alberto J. Castro-Tirado at IAA-CSIC <>
A. J. Castro-Tirado (IAA-CSIC and ISA-UMA), J. C. Tello, Y. Hu, A. 
Gonz��lez-Rodr��guez, B.-B. Zhang, R. Cunniffe (IAA-CSIC), W. H. Lee, D. 
Hiriart (UNAM), S. Jeong and I. H. Park (SKKU), on behalf of a larger 
collaboration report:

In response to the LIGO/Virgo binary neutron star candidate G298048 on 
Aug 17 (GCNC 21509), we used the JGT 0.6m robotic telescope at the 
BOOTES-5 station at Observatorio Astron��mico Nacional de San Pedro M��rtir (M��xico) 
to image the 15 galaxies in the GLADE Catalogue (GCN 21516) starting on 
Aug 18.21 UT. The potential optical candidate (GCN 21529) was only 
imaged on Aug 19.21 UT, with the images quality being affected by the 
very high airmass and the twilight sky. The optical candidate (SSS17a) is 
only barely visible in the outskirts of the NGC 4993 galaxy. A more 
detailed analysis of the data is in progress.

We thank the staff of Observatorio Astron��mico Nacional in San Pedro M��rtir.

[GCN OPS NOTE(21aug17): Per author's request, (a) the SSS17a name was corrected
for a typo, (b) Lee's name was corrected, (c) OAN's name was corrected, and
(d) the second paragraph was added.]
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