TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 21606 SUBJECT: LIGO/Virgo G298048: Continued observation for DLT17ck DATE: 17/08/19 23:31:25 GMT FROM: Stefano Valenti at UC Davis Stefano Valenti (UC Davis), Sheng Yang (INAF-OAPd, UC Davis), David Sand (UA), Leonardo Tartaglia (UA, UC Davis), Enrico Cappellaro(INAF-OAPd), Dan Reichart, Josh Haislip, Vladimir Kouprianov (UNC) report on behalf of the Gravitational Wave Follow-Up by DLT40. We continued to monitor DLT17ck/SSS17a (GCN 21529;GCN21530; GCN21531), the electromagnetic counterpart candidate of the LIGO/Virgo GW G298048 (GCN21509). Following the optical observations reported for DLT17ck/SSS17a (GCN21579; GCN21531; GCN21567; GCN21541; GCN21590; GCN21553; GCN21560; GCN21584; GCN21580; GCN21583; GCN21590; GCN21595; GCN21597), here we report that DLT17ck/SSS17a is continuing fading. Using data from the PROMPT 5 0.41m telescope located at CTIO, DLT40 observation began at 2017 August 19.99 UT and shows the source at magnitude r = 18.96 �� 0.10 mag. We also observed DLT17ck in i and z, for which analysis is under way.