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GCN Circular 21586

LIGO/Virgo G298048: HSC observations of the OT candidate of G298048
2017-08-19T06:52:33Z (7 years ago)
Nozomu Tominaga at Konan U <>
Yoshida, M., Tanaka, M., Terai, T., Nakata, F., Tajitsu, A.,
Fujiyoshi, T. (NAOJ), Utsumi, Y., Kawabata K. S. (Hiroshima U.),
Tominaga, N. (Konan U.), Motohara, K., Ohsawa, R., Morokuma, T.
(Univ. of Tokyo), Kawai, N. (Tokyo Tech.), and Asakura, Y. (Nagoya
Univ.) on behalf of the J-GEM collaboration

We performed follow-up observations for the gravitational wave
event G298048 with Hyper Suprime-Cam attached to the Subaru
telescope from 5:20 to 6:00 on August 19 2017 UT. We surveyed the
same sky area as our previous observation (GCN 21549) with HSC-z
band filter. SSS17a, which is the most promising candidate of the
optical counterpart of G298048 (GCN 21529), was still bright. The
rough estimation of the z-band magnitude of the object was ~17.7
(AB). Further analysis is ongoing.

The sky fields observed by this survey are listed below:

ID Time��������������� RA��������� DEC��������� Exp� Filter
28 2017-08-19T05:21:42 13h10m14.4s -23d19m20.0s� 2.0s HSC-z
04 2017-08-19T05:22:21 13h07m25.6s -26d36m51.9s 10.0s HSC-z
05 2017-08-19T05:23:02 13h10m14.3s -27d17m02.1s 10.0s HSC-z
06 2017-08-19T05:23:46 13h13m03.0s -27d57m27.1s 10.0s HSC-z
07 2017-08-19T05:24:28 13h15m51.8s -28d38m07.2s 10.0s HSC-z
08 2017-08-19T05:25:11 13h18m40.5s -29d19m03.0s 10.0s HSC-z
09 2017-08-19T05:25:57 13h21m29.2s -30d00m15.5s 10.0s HSC-z
28 2017-08-19T05:26:44 13h10m14.4s -23d19m20.0s 30.0s HSC-z
10 2017-08-19T05:27:44 13h04m36.9s -24d37m43.0s 30.0s HSC-z
11 2017-08-19T05:28:45 13h07m25.6s -25d17m13.0s 30.0s HSC-z
12 2017-08-19T05:29:47 13h10m14.4s -25d56m55.7s 30.0s HSC-z
13 2017-08-19T05:30:48 13h13m03.1s -26d36m52.0s 30.0s HSC-z
28 2017-08-19T05:31:49 13h10m14.4s -23d19m20.0s 30.0s HSC-z
14 2017-08-19T05:32:51 13h01m48.2s -22d40m26.0s 30.0s HSC-z
15 2017-08-19T05:33:54 13h15m51.8s -27d17m02.0s 30.0s HSC-z
16 2017-08-19T05:34:55 13h18m40.5s -27d57m27.0s 30.0s HSC-z
17 2017-08-19T05:35:59 13h04m36.9s -23d19m20.1s 30.0s HSC-z
18 2017-08-19T05:37:00 13h07m25.7s -23d58m25.6s 30.0s HSC-z
19 2017-08-19T05:38:02 12h58m59.5s -20d44m48.0s 30.0s HSC-z
20 2017-08-19T05:39:03 13h10m14.4s -24d37m43.1s 30.0s HSC-z
22 2017-08-19T05:40:05 13h13m03.1s -25d17m12.9s 30.0s HSC-z
23 2017-08-19T05:41:06 13h15m51.9s -25d56m55.6s 30.0s HSC-z
24 2017-08-19T05:42:15 12h56m10.8s -18d50m37.3s 30.0s HSC-z
25 2017-08-19T05:43:15 13h04m37.0s -22d01m43.1s 30.0s HSC-z
26 2017-08-19T05:44:15 13h07m25.7s -22d40m26.2s 30.0s HSC-z
29 2017-08-19T05:45:16 13h01m48.3s -20d06m35.2s 30.0s HSC-z
28 2017-08-19T05:46:17 13h10m14.4s -23d19m20.1s 30.0s HSC-z
28 2017-08-19T05:47:17 13h10m14.4s -23d19m20.1s 120.0s HSC-z
28 2017-08-19T05:49:48 13h10m14.4s -23d19m20.0s 120.0s HSC-z
28 2017-08-19T05:52:20 13h10m17.5s -23d18m06.5s 60.0s HSC-z
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