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GCN Circular 21505

LIGO/Virgo G298048: Fermi GBM trigger 524666471/170817529: LIGO/Virgo Identification of a possible gravitational-wave counterpart
2017-08-17T13:21:42Z (7 years ago)
Reed Clasey Essick at MIT <>
The LIGO Scientific Collaboration and the Virgo Collaboration report:

The online CBC pipeline (gstlal) has made a preliminary
identification of a GW candidate associated with the time
 of Fermi GBM trigger 524666471/170817529 at gps time 1187008884.47
 (Thu Aug 17 12:41:06 GMT 2017) with RA=186.62deg Dec=-48.84deg and an error radius of 17.45deg.

The candidate is consistent with a neutron star binary coalescence with
False Alarm Rate of ~1/10,000 years. 

An offline analysis is ongoing. Any significant updates will be provided
by a new Circular.

[GCN OPS NOTE(17aug17): Per author's request, the LIGO/VIRGO ID
was added to the beginning of the Subject-line.]
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