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GCN Circular 2141

GRB030329: VR Photometry at TNG
2003-04-16T12:33:51Z (22 years ago)
Angelo Antonelli at Obs. Astro. di Roma <>
V. Testa, G. Cocozza, A. Melandri, L.A. Antonelli (INAF-Roma, I), 
D. Malesani (SISSA, Trieste, I), A. Buzzoni, S. Di Tomaso, D. Fugazza,
F. Ghinassi, J.C. Guerra (INAF-TNG), S. Covino (INAF-Merate, I), N. Masetti 
(IASF-CNR, Bologna, I), E. Pian (INAF-Trieste, I) on behalf of a 
larger Italian collaboration, report:
"We have obtained VR images of the afterglow (Peterson & Price, GCN
1985) of GRB 030329 (Vanderspek et al., GCN 1997), with the Italian 3.6m 
TNG equipped with DOLORES. Observations were performed on Apr. 10,11 and 
14; seeing in the R band was 1.0 arcsec during the first night, 1.2 arcsec 
during the second night, and 1.3 arcsec during the last night. 
The afterglow was detected in both bands with S/N(R,peak) = 43 (first 
night), 37 (second night) and 23 (third night). During the second and 
third nights measurements have been affected by a bright sky background, 
likely due to the moon being relatively close to the target (21 and 24 
degrees respectively).

We measured the following VR magnitudes, with respect to the calibration 
performed by Henden (GCN 2082):
   Obs._date(UT) t_exp(s)  Filt.  Mag    Err(Mag)
   10/4 21:38:37  240       V     19.72  0.05
   10/4 21:31:28  240       R     19.34  0.05
   11/4 21:35:49  240       V     19.68  0.11
   11/4 22:04:56  240       R     19.45  0.09
   14/4 20:33:01  240       V     20.10  0.12
   14/4 20:48:30  240       R     19.71  0.11 
All TNG measurements are consistent with a continuosly fading transient. 
This message can be cited."

[GCN OPS NOTE (07Nov03): The INAF-TNG author list was changed from
"F. Ghinassi, D. Fugazza, S. Di Tomaso (INAF-TNG)" to
"A. Buzzoni, S. Di Tomaso, D. Fugazza, F. Ghinassi, J.C. Guerra (INAF-TNG)".]
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