TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 2140 SUBJECT: GRB030324: Candidate Optical Afterglow (Erratum) DATE: 03/04/16 03:05:52 GMT FROM: Don Lamb at U.Chicago D. Q. Lamb, M. Nysewander, D. Reichart, D. G. York, J. Barentine, R. McMillan, J. Dembicky, and B. Ketzeback report on behalf of the ARC and UNC GRB teams of the FUN GRB collaboration: The coordinates we report for the candidate optical afterglow are in the FK5 system and are uncertain to +/- 0.6 arcseconds. The URLs at which the first and second epoch images and the sky map can be found should read, http://astro.uchicago.edu/home/web/lamb/candidate_optical_afterglow.jpg and http://astro.uchicago.edu/home/web/lamb/wxm_loc_and_candidate.gif.