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GCN Circular 2112

GRB030329: BV photographic observations
2003-04-07T15:09:40Z (22 years ago)
Vasilij Rumjantsev at CrAO <>
V.Metlov (Crimean Laboratory of the Sternberg Astronomical Institute,
Moscow State University) report:

I have continued photographic observations of the GRB030329 OT found by
B.A.Petrrson and P.A.Price (GCN 1985) with 50-cn Maksutov telescope at
Crimean Laboratory of the Sternberg Astronomical Institute. Two 80-minute 
exposures have been made on Apr, 4. 
Based on additional filed photometry presented in GCN 2082 by A.Henden
I have estimated the OT magnitudes on two new photographs, and also have
made some corrections to my previous (GCN 2102) estimations. 14 stars
were used to do the calibration.
The results are shown in the table below. The increased uncertainties
of last measurements are caused by affinity to the limiting magnitudes
of our plates (19.0-19.5 in B band, 18.0-18.5 in V band). Despite of it,
it was seen, that began a new fading phase.

   date                 UT           filter      mag     err
2003-04-02      19:33:00-20:33:00       B        18.20   0.15
2003-04-02      20:45:00-21:35:00       V        18.05   0.25
2003-04-04      18:18:00-19:38:00       V       >18.4     -
2003-04-04      19:48:00-21:08:00       B        18.80   0.30

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