TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 2104 SUBJECT: GRB030329: More AAVSO VR obs DATE: 03/04/06 19:40:40 GMT FROM: AAVSO GRB Network at AAVSO A. Price, B. Monard, A. Oksanen, T. DiLapo, D. West, D. Kaiser, D. Starkey, P. Nelson, P. P��kk�nen and J. Mattei (AAVSO); T. Durig, A. L. Seifert, C. B. Norton, G.F. Garland, J.K.Cole, J.B. Cherry (University of the South); A. Henden (USRA/USNO) report on behalf of the AAVSO International GRB Network: This is a 3rd set of observations of the OT found by Peterson and Price (GCN 1985) dating from March 29th to April 6th. Included in the observations is a URL where a full report (equipment, seeing, etc.) is available. Many times the original FITS image is also available. When time series data is available we only put the first and last observation. A light curve of all AAVSO data to date has been made by B. Gary and posted at http://www.aavso.org/grb/grb030329.jpg Bruce L. Gary, .25m at Arizona, USA. Rc = 15.67 +/- 0.04 @ 2003.03.30 07:08 to Rc = 16.82 +/- 0.04 @ 2003.03.30 04:26 V = 15.89 +/- 0.06 @ 2003.03.30 07:16 to V = 16.13 +/- 0.04 @ 2003.04.01 08:38 Rc = 18.07 +/- 0.05 @ 2003.04.05 03:49 Rc = 18.78 +/- 0.12 @ 2003.04.06 03:50 exposures:64X15s,70X30s(for last obs) ftp://ftp.aavso.org/grb/GRB030329/BruceL.Gary_GRB030329_2452731.81361_.txt Arto Oksanen, .4m at Nyrola Observatory, Finland. Rc = 16.714 merr: 0.051 @ 2003.03.31 19:09 to Rc = 16.842 merr: 0.060 @ 2003.04.01 00:59 V = 17.157 merr: 0.053 @ 2003.03.31 19:48 to V = 17.297 merr: 0.077 @ 2003.04.01 00:55 Rc = 18.59 merr: 0.04 # 2003.04.05 21:35 exposures: 78x240s, 34x240s (last obs) ftp://ftp.aavso.org/grb/GRB030329/arto-030329-2nreport.txt http://nyrola.jklsirius.fi/grb/grb030329/ Tristan DiLapo, .31m at Orbit Jet Observatory, New York, USA. Rc = 16.32 err: 0.06 @ 2003.03.31 02:56 to Rc = 16.34 err: 0.06 @ 2003.03.31 04:02 exposures: 10X120s ftp://ftp.aavso.org/grb/GRB030329/TristanDiLapo_GRB030329_2452732.28043_.txt Doug West, .2m at West Skies Observatory, Kansas, USA. Unfiltered = 17.2 +/- 0.14 2003.04.02 02:08 7*30s exposures Unfiltered = 17.5 +/- 0.13 2003.04.04 02:09 14*35s exposures Unfiltered = 18.3 +/- 0.20 2003.04.05 02:11 19X35s exposures exposures: 7X30s ftp://ftp.aavso.org/grb/GRB030329/west-grb030329.txt Dan Kaiser, .35m at Crescent Moon Observatory, Indiana, USA. Rc = 17.44 @ 2003.04.02 02:13 exposures: 14X240s ftp://ftp.aavso.org/grb/GRB030329/kaiser-grb030329.txt D. T. Durig, A. L. Seifert, C. B. Norton, G.F. Garland, J.K.Cole, J.B. Cherry, .3m at Cordell-Lorenz Observatory, Tennessee, USA Rc = 17.96 @ 2003.04.02 02:36 Rc = 18.06 @ 2003.04.02 03:38 Rc = 18.36 +/- 0.2 @ 2003.04.03 03:45 Rc = 18.46 +/- 0.2 @ 2003.04.03 03:59 exposures: 4X600s ftp://ftp.aavso.org/grb/GRB030329/DrDouglasT.Durig_GRB030329_2452732.69648_.txt Donn Starkey, .36m at DeKalb Observatory, Indiana, USA. Rc = 16.06 @ 2003.04.02 04:30 Bu = 18.02 @ 2003.04.02 05:44 V = 16.85 @ 2003.04.02 04:52 ftp://ftp.aavso.org/grb/GRB030329/DonnStarkey_GRB030329_2452731.82174_.txt Peter Nelson, .32m at Ellinbank Observatory, Australia. Rc = 18.3 +/- 0.3 @ 2003.04.03 13:00 exposures: 3X300s ftp://ftp.aavso.org/grb/GRB030329/PeterNelson_GRB030329_2452734.05919_.txt Pertti P��kk�nen, .5m at Jakokoski Observatory, Finland. Rg = 18.55 +/- 0.04 @ 2003.04.05 22:12 exposures: 33X300s ftp://ftp.aavso.org/grb/PerttiP��kk�nen_GRB030329_2452736.16987_.txt http://cc.joensuu.fi/seulaset/ccd/20030405/ Correction: The data below is a recalculation (based on a better comp star) of data posted earlier in GCN 2058. Berto Monard, .3m at Bronberg Observatory. South Africa Unfiltered: 13.8 @ 2003.03.29 17:15 to Unfiltered: 14.7 @ 2003.03.29 23:37 ftp://ftp.aavso.org/grb/GRB030329/monard-GRB030329mar29.txt * Durig et al., Gary, Starkey, Oksanen, West, Nelson, P��kk�nen and Kaiser used Henden et al. photometry (GCN 2023) for comparison. DiLapo used USNOA2. Monard used Tycho-2. * P��kk�nen's R filter (Rg) is a custom designed filter. Info at: http://cc.joensuu.fi/seulaset/ccd/rgbfilters.png The AAVSO International GRB network is greatful for a generous grant from the Curry Foundation and to NASA for the financial support for the High Energy Workshops for Amateur Astronomers.