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GCN Circular 20750

LIGO/Virgo G275404: Follow-up of MASTER OT J173532.70+103810.5
2017-02-26T13:38:09Z (8 years ago)
Chris Copperwheat at LJMU ArI <>
From C.M. Copperwheat (LJMU), A.S. Piascik (LJMU) and I.A. Steele (LJMU) on
behalf of a larger collaboration.

We attempted to observe the transient MASTER OT J173532.70+103810.5
reported in GCN #20740, using the SPRAT spectrograph on the Liverpool
Telescope, on 2017-02-26 at 05:19 UT.

We do not detect a transient at the reported coordinates. We estimate the
limiting (unfiltered) magnitude of our acquisition frame to be ~19.5.
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