GCN Circular 2059
GRB 030329: SARA Optical Observations
2003-04-01T05:07:06Z (22 years ago)
Kevin Lindsay at Clemson.U <jlkevin@compton.phys.clemson.edu>
K. Lindsay, D. H. Hartmann (Clemson University),
M. Leake, M. Williams (Valdosta State University)
Report on behalf of a larger collaboration:
We observed the optical afterglow of GRB 030329,
(=H2656, Vanderspek et al. GCN 1997), identified
by Peterson & Price (GCN 1985) and Torii (GCN 1986),
in the Johnson B-Band with the SARA 0.9m telescope at
KPNO. We obtained 30, 300s exposures. Observations
began at 02:58:24UT, and ended at 05:31:22UT, on March
31st. The obsevations were carried out under good
seeing conditions. Aperture photometry is being
carried out, and further observations are planned.
More information on the SARA Observatory
can be found at http://www.saraobservatory.org/.
This report may be cited.