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GCN Circular 2054

GRB 030329: beginning of the new fading phase in optical band
2003-04-01T00:47:11Z (22 years ago)
Denis Denissenko at IKI, Moscow <>
R. Burenin, R. Sunyaev, D. Denissenko, M. Pavlinsky,  O. Terekhov,
A. Tkachenko (IKI); Z. Aslan, K. Uluc, I. Khamitov (TUG); U. Kiziloglu,
A. Alpar, A. Baykal (METU); I. Bikmaev, N. Sakhibullin, V. Suleymanov (KSU)


We continue observations of the GRB 030329 optical afterglow (Peterson
and Price, GCN 1985) with 1.5-m Russian-Turkish Telescope RTT150
at Bakyrlytepe. Assuming that star "A" has R=16.20 we have measured
the following magnitudes:

t-t0,hours       UT       R

54.3     March 31.75     16.91
55.2           31.78     16.92
57.1           31.86     16.99

We see the beginning of new phase of fading of the optical afterglow.

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