TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 20521 SUBJECT: LIGO/Virgo G270580: 10.4m GTC spectroscopic observations of PS17yt DATE: 17/01/25 05:47:02 GMT FROM: Alberto J. Castro-Tirado at IAA-CSIC A. J. Castro-Tirado, V. Casanova, B.-B. Zhang, J. C. Tello, Y. Hu (IAA-CSIC, Granada), M. D. Caballero-Garcia (ASU-CAS), V. V. Sokolov, V. V. Vlasjuk, A. F. Valeev (SAO-RAS), E. Pian (SNS-Pisa), S. Jeong (SKKU), S. R. Oates (Warwick), S. Geier and D. P��rez (GRANTECAN), report: We observed the transient PS17yt (Chambers et al., LVC GCN 20512) with the 1.5m OSN telescope at Sierra Nevada (Spain) in imaging mode and with the 10.4m GTC telescope located at La Palma (Canary Islands, Spain) equipped with the OSIRIS spectrograph. The OSN images were gathered on Jan 24, 21:54 UT, whereas the spectroscopic observations were carried out starting on Jan 25, 00:50 UT. The PS17yt spectrum covering the range 3700-10000 A shows that this transient is a type Ia SN about 1 week before maximum at a redshift z~0.026. We acknowledge excellent support from the GTC staff.