GCN Circular 2030
GRB030329: R and B observations
2003-03-30T20:31:08Z (22 years ago)
Adriano Guarnieri at O.A.di Bologna <adriano@astbo3.bo.astro.it>
C. Bartolini, A. Guarnieri, A. Piccioni (Bologna University),
G. Gavazzi (Milano-Bicocca University), R. Gualandi (Bologna
Astronomical Observatory), G. Pizzichini and P. Ferrero
(IASF-CNR, Bologna) report:
By a preliminary reduction of four frames of our CCD UBVRI
photometry of GRB030329 (GCN n.2003), performed with the 152 cm
Loiano telescope, we obtain:
mid exp. filter exposure time mag
UT (seconds)
Mar 29.7823 R 300 14.29 +/-.10
Mar 29.8556 R 180 14.55 +/-.03
Mar 29.7957 B 900 15.16 +/-.03
Mar 29.8493 B 300 15.38 +/-.03
Magnitude values were referred to star A (Martini et al, GCN
2012) as calibrated by Burenin et al. (GCN 2024). The
uncertainties have the meaning of internal errors.
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