TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 20271 SUBJECT: GRB 161210A: POLAR observation DATE: 16/12/16 06:21:33 GMT FROM: Zhengheng Li at POLAR Z. H. Li (IHEP), Y. H. Wang (IHEP), Y. Zhao (IHEP), M. Z. Feng(IHEP), J. C. Sun (IHEP), H. C. Li (IHEP), S. L. Xiong (IHEP), T. Batsch(NCBJ), T. Bernasconi (ISDC/UniGe), F. Cadoux (DPNC/UniGe), Y. W. Dong (IHEP), M. Y. Ge (IHEP),W.Hajdas (PSI),Y. Huang (IHEP), Karol Jedrzejczak (NCBJ), M. R. Kole (DPNC/UniGe), F. J. Lu (IHEP), R. Marcinkowski(PSI), M. Pohl (DPNC/UniGe), N. Produit (ISDC/UniGe),A. Rutczynska (NCBJ), D. Rybka (NCBJ),L. M. Song (IHEP), J. Szabelski (NCBJ), X. Wen (IHEP), B. B. Wu (IHEP),X. Wu (DPNC/UniGe), H. L. Xiao (PSI), M. Xu (IHEP), J. Zhang (IHEP),L. Y. Zhang (IHEP), P. Zhang (PSI), S. N. Zhang (IHEP), Y. J. Zhang (IHEP), A. Zwolinska (NCBJ) report for the POLAR collaboration: At��2016-12-10T12:33:54��UT��(T0),��during��a��routine��on-ground�� search��of��data,��POLAR��detected the GRB 161210A,�� which��was��also��detected��by��the��Fermi/GBM (trigger 503066038/161210523). The��POLAR��light��curve��consists��of��a��single��peak, with��a��duration��(T90) of��11.76��s��measured��from��T0-0.10��s . The��1s��peak��rate��measured��from��T0+0.00��s��is��199.3��cnts/s, The��total��counts��is��about��1318 cnts. The��above��measurements��are in��the��energy��range��of��about��80-500��keV. LC_URL: http://polar.ihep.ac.cn/grb/2016/GRB161210A/lc/POLAR_lc_grb161210523.jpg Using��the��best��location��from��the��Fermi/GBM,��which��is��(J2000): RA:���� 283.120 �� [deg] Dec:���� �� +63.050 [deg] Err:�������� 10.11 [deg] the��incident��angle��in��POLAR��coordinate��at��T0��is: theta:�� 75.9 ��[deg] phi: ����-23.6�� [deg] The��analysis��results��presented��above��are��preliminary. POLAR is a dedicated Gamma-Ray Burst polarimeter (50-500 keV) on-board the Chinese space laboratory Tiangong-2 launched on Sep 15, 2016. More information about POLAR can be found at http://polar.ihep.ac.cn/en/ , http://isdc.unige.ch/polar/ and http://polar.psi.ch/html/