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GCN Circular 20242

GRB 161129A: KWFC z-band photometry
2016-12-08T09:21:59Z (8 years ago)
Tomoki Morokuma at U of Tokyo <>
Tomoki Morokuma and Yuki Sarugaku (Univ. of Tokyo) report on behalf 
of���the OISTER collaboration:

We observed the field of GRB 161129A (Kocevski et al. GCN 20210) 
with���the 1.05-m Schmidt telescope and KWFC (Sako et al. 2012, Proc. 
SPIE���8446, 84466L) at Kiso Observatory in Japan. The observations were 
made���in z-band at 2016-11-29 08:15-08:36 (UT; about 1 hour after the 
burst). The flux is calibrated with z-band imaging data for a nearby 
SDSS field taken at almost the same airmass as that of the GRB field.

We do not detect any new source within the XRT error circle or at the 
position with Swift/UVOT and other telescopes' detections (e.g., Kuin et 
al. GCN 20217) and the upper limits are as follows.

# ------------------------------------------------
# MID-MJD    MID-UT   t_exp  z_lim
# ------------------------------------------------
57721.3442  08:15:36   60.0   16.9
57721.3477  08:20:44  120.0   17.7
57721.3513  08:25:50  180.0   18.3
57721.3542  08:30:08  180.0   18.6
57721.3573  08:34:25  180.0   18.7
# ------------------------------------------------
MID-MJD [day] : MJD in the middle of exposure
MID-UT        : UT in the middle of exposure
t_exp [sec]   : Exposure time
z_lim         : 5-sigma limiting magnitude (AB)
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