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GCN Circular 2020

Redshift of GRB 030329
2003-03-30T09:39:08Z (22 years ago)
Jochen Greiner at MPI <>
J. Greiner (MPE Garching), M. Peimbert (UNAM Mexico), C. Esteban (IAC Spain),
A. Kaufer, P. Vreeswijk, A. Jaunsen, J. Smoke (all ESO), S. Klose 
(Thueringer Landessternwarte) and O. Reimer  (Univ. Bochum) report
for a larger collaboration:

The optical afterglow (Peterson & Price, GCN 1985; Torii, GCN 1986) of 
the bright HETE (H2652) GRB 030329 was observed with the high-resolution
UVES spectrograph at the VLT unit Kueyen, starting around March 30.166 UT.
Quick-look analysis reveals several absorption and emission lines.
In particular, we find emission lines at 5680, 5850, and 7669 A
which we identify with Hbeta, [OIII]5007 and Halpha. Absorption lines
are clearly seen at 3270 A and 3334 A which we identify as the MgI 2853 and 
MgII 2800 doubletts. Based on these identifications we determine a redshift
of z=0.1685.  This is nearest GRB so far (except GRB 980425/SN1998bw), 
consistent with the exceptional brightness of this afterglow at all 

We are highly indebted to the ESO staff at Paranal for their assistence, 
and K. Torii (RIKEN) for providing an early finding chart.

[GCN OPS NOTE(11jan13):  Per author's request, "Estaban" was changed
to "Esteban".]
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