GCN Circular 2008
GRB030328: R optical observation
2003-03-30T00:00:55Z (22 years ago)
Adriano Guarnieri at O.A.di Bologna <adriano@astbo3.bo.astro.it>
C. Bartolini, A. Guarnieri, A. Piccioni (Bologna University), R. Gualandi
(Bologna Astronomical Observatory), G. Pizzichini (IASF-CNR, Bologna) report:
On 2003, March 28, 22h 32m UT we observed the optical afterglow of GRB 030328
(Peterson and Price, GCN 1974) with the 152 cm telescope in Loiano. Using
the calibration reported by Fugazza et al. (GCN 1982) we obtained R = 20.45
(1800s exposure, preliminary estimate).
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