GCN Circular 19787
IceCube 160806A EHE Neutrino Candidate Event
2016-08-09T16:15:58Z (9 years ago)
Doug Cowen at Penn State/IceCube <dfc13@psu.edu>
D.F. Cowen reports on behalf of the IceCube Collaboration:
IceCube detected a candidate cosmic neutrino IceCube-160806A, "AMON
ICECUBE EHE 128311 26552458" at 12:21:33.00 UT on 16/08/06
(http://gcn.gsfc.nasa.gov/notices_amon/26552458_128311.amon) The event
was an Extremely High Energy (EHE) event with track-like characteristics
and it arrived when the IceCube detector was in a normal operating
state. EHE events satisfy a combination of high light level and zenith
angle that enhances astrophysical signal relative to cosmic-ray-induced
backgrounds. In contrast to the other active IceCube high energy
track-like neutrino alert stream, known as "HESE," EHE events are not
required to start within the IceCube detector fiducial volume.
After the initial automated alert, more sophisticated reconstruction
algorithms have been applied offline, with the direction refined to
RA=122.81d and DEC=-0.8061d (J2000) in revision 1 of this alert. The
position uncertainty is estimated from the initial realtime
reconstruction from revision 0 of this alert, at 0.1 degrees or 6.7
arcminutes radius (stat. only, 50% containment). Lacking inclusion of
systematic effects, we expect this uncertainty underestimates the true
uncertainty by roughly a factor of five. We encourage followup by
ground and space-based instruments to help identify a possible
astrophysical source for the candidate neutrino.
The IceCube Neutrino Observatory is a cubic-kilometer neutrino detector
operating at the geographic South Pole, Antarctica. The IceCube
realtime alert point of contact can be reached at roc@icecube.wisc.edu