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GCN Circular 19620

GRB 160625B: TSHAO optical observations, correction GCN 19619
2016-06-29T15:45:03Z (9 years ago)
Alexei Pozanenko at IKI, Moscow <>
A. Pozanenko (IKI) report on behalf of larger GRB follow-up  collaboration:

Corrected text of the GCN 19619 (Mazaeva et al.) should be as follows.

E. Mazaeva (IKI), A. Kusakin (Fesenkov Astrophysical Institute), P. 
Minaev (IKI), I. Reva (Fesenkov Astrophysical Institute), A. Volnova 
(IKI), A. Pozanenko (IKI) report on behalf of larger GRB follow-up 

We observed the field of GRB 160625B (Dirirsa et al., GCN 19580; Burns 
et al. GCN 19581) with Zeiss-1000 (East) 1-m telescopes of Tien Shan 
Astronomical Observatory. We obtained several images in R filter 
starting on June 28 (UT) 18:12:30. We detect optical afterglow of  GRB 
160625B (Troja et al., GCN 19588; Oates  et al., GCN  19589). 
Preliminary photometry of a combined image is following

Date       UT start   t-T0    Filter  Exp.   OT     Err.   UL
                       (mid, days)     (s)

2016-06-28 18:12:30   2.86135 R       63*120 20.32   0.06  22.7

Photometry is based on nearby USNO-B1.0 stars reported in GCN 19605 
(Mazaeva et. al).

I thank D. A. Kann who noticed the apparent error.
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