GCN Circular 1946
GRB 030320: Optical Observations
2003-03-24T14:49:59Z (22 years ago)
Avishay Gal-Yam at Tel Aviv U, Israel <avishay@wise1.tau.ac.il>
A. Gal-Yam and E. O. Ofek (Wise observatory, TAU) report:
We have observed the full error box of GRB 030320 (Mereghetti et al. 2003,
GCN 1341; Hurley et al. 2003, GCN 1943) using the Wise observatory 1m
telescope + Tek CCD camera, starting March 21, 02:42 UT (16.9 hours after
the burst). Two 300 s R-band frames were obtained under poor conditions
at high airmass.
Comparison of the combined image with the POSS-II E plate
reveals no new optical sources, to a limiting magnitude of R=17.5,
within the IBIS error circle.
[GCN OPS NOTE (24mar03): This submission was delayed 2.5 hours
due to an email account change. And in general, I remind people
to help me help you by keeping me advised of your address changes.]