TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 1930 SUBJECT: IPN triangulation of GRB030306 (intense; annulus only so far) DATE: 03/03/06 18:14:35 GMT FROM: Kevin Hurley at UCBerkeley/SSL K. Hurley and T. Cline, on behalf of the Ulysses and Mars Odyssey teams, I. Mitrofanov, D. Anfimov, A. Kozyrev, M. Litvak and A. Sanin, on behalf of the HEND-Odyssey GRB team, and W. Boynton, C. Fellows, K. Harshman, C. Shinohara and R. Starr, on behalf of the GRS-Odyssey GRB team, report: This event was observed by Ulysses and Mars Odyssey (GRS and HEND). Its Earth-crossing time was 13102 +/- 287 s. (The uncertainty is due to the fact that no near-Earth spacecraft has reported this event so far.) As observed by Ulysses, it had a duration of approximately 20 seconds, a 25-100 keV fluence of approximately 2.3E-05 erg/cm2, and a peak flux of approximately 3.0E-06 erg/cm2 s over 0.25 seconds. We have triangulated it to a preliminary annulus centered at RA, Decl (2000) = 323.478, -42.567 degrees, with radius 31.976 +/- 0.057 degrees. This annulus may be constrained and/or improved. As it seems likely that this event was observed by a near-Earth spacecraft, a small error box can probably be derived for it.